School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 4:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m.

November 17, 2015 - Regular Meeting

Invocation (Betsy Condon)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order (Approx. 7:10 p.m.)
1. Attendance


Present:  Janice Kerekes, District 1;  Carol Studdard, District 2;  Betsy Condon, District 3;  Johnna McKinnon, District 4;  Ashley Gilhousen, District 5;  and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on October 15, 2015
Attachment: Minutes - 2015 Oct 15.pdf
Attachment: Disciplinary Minutes-2015 Oct 15.pdf (Confidential Item)
Deputy Superintendent

3. C-2 Proposed Allocation Change for 2015-2016
Attachment: Allocation Summary - November 17, 2015.pdf
4. C-3 2016-2017 Student Calendar
Attachment: 2016-2017 Student Calendar.pdf
5. C-4 2016-2017 Employee Calendar
Attachment: 2016-2017 Employee Work Calendar.pdf
Human Resources

6. C-5 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 11 17 2015.pdf

7. C-6 Request approval to advertise amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-1.07, Non-Discrimination Policy
Attachment: November 2015 - Non-Discrimination Policy.pdf
8. C-7 K-12 Academic Support Services Student Travel
Attachment: Nov 2015 - Student Travel.pdf
9. C-8 Alachua Multi-County Title I Part C Contract of Services
Attachment: Alachua MultiCounty Title I Part C Contract.pdf
10. C-9 Over-Night In State Travel for CTE
Attachment: CTE Overnight Board Documentation.pdf
11. C-10 Addendum to the School Health Services Plan implementing the requirements of s. 381.0056(4)(a)(19), F.S. and s. 1002.33(9), F.S. that must be followed when a student is removed for involuntary examination.
Attachment: 2014-2016 School Health Services Plan Addendum.pdf
12. C-11 Advertise the 2015-16 Special Policies and Procedures (SP&P) Manual.
Attachment: S P and P 15 16.pdf
Attachment: S P and P sign pg 15 16.pdf
13. C-12 Mainspring Academy Contract extension 10/19/15 through 06/03/16.
Attachment: Mainspring Academy Contract extenstion 10 19 15 thru 06 03 2016 no name.pdf
14. C-13 SEDNET Grant for IDEA 2015-16.
Attachment: SEDNET Grant for IDEA 2015 16.pdf
15. C-14 Approval of 2015-2016 Assessment Calendar
Attachment: 2015-2016 Assessment Calendar.pdf
Business Affairs

16. C-15 Warrants and Vouchers for October 2015
Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS OCT 2015.pdf
17. C-16 Bank Resolutions Due to Change of School Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman
18. C-17 Payment of Bonds for the School Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman
19. C-18 Budget Amendments for the Month of October 2015
Attachment: October 2015 Board Impact Stmt.pdf
Attachment: October 2015 Board BA.pdf
20. C-19 Monthly Financial Report for October, 2015
Attachment: Oct 2015 Financial Report.pdf
21. C-21 Monthly Property Report - October, 2015 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-October, 2015.pdf
22. C-22 Monthly Property Report - October, 2015 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-October, 2015.pdf
23. C-23 Monthly Property Report - October, 2015 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-October, 2015.pdf
24. C-24 Monthly Property Report - October, 2015 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-October, 2015.pdf
25. C-25 Deletion of Certain Items Report - November, 2015
Attachment: Deletion Report-November, 2015.pdf
Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachment)-November, 15.pdf
Support Services

26. C-26 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II & III) Plans and Specifications for Lakeside Elementary/Lakeside Junior High School Lightning Protection
27. C-27 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 11,17,15.pdf
28. C-28 Additive Change Order #3 for Keystone Heights Elementary School Gymnasium Renovation
Attachment: CO 3 KHE Gym.pdf
29. C-29 Additive Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Keystone Heights Elementary School Gymnasium Renovation
Attachment: CO 4 KHE Gym.pdf
30. C-30 Additive Change Order #4 for Orange Park High School Smoke Corridor Building 1, Phase I (Days Only)
Attachment: CO 4 OPH Smoke Corridor.pdf
31. C-31 Substantial and Final Completion of Keystone Heights Elementary School Gymnasium Renovation
Attachment: Sub Completion KHE Gym.pdf
Attachment: Final Completion KHE Gym.pdf
32. C-32 Final Completion of Orange Park High School Smoke Corridor Building 1, Phase 1
Attachment: Final Completion OPH Smoke Corridor Ph I.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
33. Adoption of Consent Agenda

Minutes: Prior to adoption of the Consent Agenda, Victoria Kidwell addressed Consent Item C-4, the 2016-2017 Employee Work Calendar.   

Motion to approve the agenda with the exception of Item C-20 that was moved to the Discussion Agenda.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Recognitions and Awards
34. Special Presentation to Dr. Susan Legutko

Minutes: Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, was presented with flowers by the Superintendent in recognition of her recently earned Doctorate Degree in Organizational Leadership and a minor in School Business Affairs from Nova University.
35. Presentation of Chairman's Plaque

Minutes: Johnna McKinnon was presented with a plaque in appreciation of her past year of service as the School Board Chairman.
36. Recognize Blain Claypool - St. Vincent's Heatlh

Minutes: Mike Wingate, Director of K-12 Academic Services, recognized Mr. Blain Claypool and Mrs. Tracy Williams and St. Vincent's Healthcare for their commitment and support of public education.  St. Vincent's is providing athletic trainer services, supplies, and education to the students and athletic departments of Clay County.
37. Recognize Founder's Week Art Winners


The district's Social Studies Curriculum Specialist, Kelly Watt, recognized the five winners of the Founders Week art contest:

  • Katia Centracchio - ROE
  • Olivia Lin - CGE
  • Reagan Hughes - CGE
  • Madalyn Burger - TES
  • Mathelyn Ruiz - CGE

  A video was shown highlighting some of the activities that took place across the district during Founders Week. 

Presenters (NONE)
Scheduled Citizen Requests (NONE)
Discussion Agenda

38. D-1 Superintendent's Update
Attachment: 2015 Nov 17 Assessment Update.pdf
Attachment: 2015 Nov 17 Testing Times by Grade Level.pdf
Attachment: 2015 Nov 17 Salary Comparisons.pdf

Superintendent Van Zant announced an opportunity coordinated through the district's Wellness Committee.  The YMCA will become a corporate wellness partner with the school district and, together with the Wellness Committee, will offer discounted YMCA membership rates.

Speaker from the Audience:

Renna Lee Paiva - required testing assessments and Board resolution to hold our students harmless

Dr. Emily Weiskopf, Director of School Improvement/Professional Development & Assessment, gave a short informational presentation on the different state and local assessments and the percent of time spent taking these tests. She also provided to the Board a copy of the district testing times by grade level.

Board discussion followed with questions about the impact to student computer labs during testing.

On another topic, Superintendent Van Zant addressed salary concerns and used a PowerPoint slide (attached) to show a comparison of several different part-time and full-time employee types and the annual salary for each.  

39. D-2 Public Hearing to approve as advertised amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-5.02C, Use of School Buildings, Grounds and Equipment
Attachment: 5.02 C Use of School Bldgs Grounds Equip for Adv 10--15-15.pdf

The Chairman opened the public hearing. With no one present to speak to the item, the hearing was closed.

Motion to approve- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Elizabeth Condon
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Nay
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Motion Minutes: 
Deputy Superintendent

40. D-3 Present Appointees to Serve on the District Advisory Committee


Chairman McKinnon read the names of the appointees and thanked the volunteers for agreeing to serve on this committee. Mrs. Kornegay stated that she plans to hold the first meeting during December or January at the latest, and will bring a report to the Board after that meeting.

District 1 Janice Kerekes
Parent Lori McDade
Parent Carol Ann Freehafer
Community Leader Parveen Hughes
District 2 Carol Studdard
Parent Jennifer A. Johnson
Parent Sharina Wells
Community Leader Andrea Hepburn
District 3 Betsy Condon
Parent Steven Djavaheri
Parent Kristen Rhodes
Community Leader Dawn Wilkes 
District 4 Johnna McKinnon
Parent Constance S. Swanson
Parent Courtney V. Hense
Community Leader Brian Knight
District 5 Ashley Gilhousen
Parent Brandy Stasiak
Parent Sara Johnson
Community Leader David Bright 

Human Resources

41. D-4 Human Resources - Special Actions
Attachment: 2015 Nov 17 HR Special Action.pdf (Confidential Item)

The following speakers from the audience spoke in support of the employee.

  • Marcus Pye
  • John Gessner
  • Theresa Alwood
  • Michele Larsen
  • Tracy Butler
  • Ray DiManda
  • Karen Minor
  • Randy Howell

Following public comments, the Chairman called for a motion on the item.  The item died for lack of a motion.

Business Affairs

42. D-5 Request approval to negotiate with finalist in the Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)
Attachment: 11-17-15 ERP Board Backup November 17th 2015 - Final.pdf
Minutes: Betsy Condon served on the ERP committee and was very impressed with the process and the company. Board discussion ensued with positive comments about how the process was facilitated. 

Motion to approve designations and contract negotiations process, as presented.
Vote Results
Motion: Elizabeth Condon
Second: Janice Kerekes
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

43. C-20 Superintendent's Annual Financial Report (Item pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)
Attachment: 2015 Nov 17 Supt's Annual Financial Report.pdf

Prior to the vote, the following speakers from the audience addressed the item:

  • Renna Lee Paiva
  • Michelle Dillon
  • Evan Gould

Mrs.Kerekes had pulled the item to address the district's fund balance. She agreed with the public speakers that the Board should look for another source of revenue.

Following Board discussion, consensus was to consider dates for a workshop on this topic during the January board meeting.  

Approve the Annual Financial Report for the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Carol Studdard
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Support Services

44. D-6 Review of Cenergistic Energy Conservation Program
Attachment: Cenergistic Proposal Part 1.pdf
Attachment: Cenergistic Proposal Part 2.pdf
Attachment: Cenergistic Proposal Part 3.pdf
Attachment: Cenergistic Proposal Part 4.pdf
Attachment: Cenergistic Proposal Part 5.pdf
Attachment: Cenergistic Proposed Contract.pdf
Attachment: 2015 Nov 17 - Cenergistic 2.pdf

John Merrill, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, explained the energy conservation program that would provide an innovative pathway to greater efficiency for the school district and empower all energy users, employees and students to assist in the savings.  He explained how a Cenergistic energy management program could complement our ongoing program and provide significant funds through heightened energy conservation.

Following the presentation, Mr. Merrill introduced Gary Clark from Cenegistics who spoke briefly about the program. The proposed contract would start on January 1.

Motion to approve contract with Cenergistic- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Carol Studdard
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Presentations from the Audience
45. Speakers

  • Donna Mace -  teacher and support salaries
  • Renna Lee Paiva - power to raise revenue
  • Laura Mayberry - teacher concerns
  • Ginger Burris - technical/website problems
  • Keith Nichols - testing concerns
  • Christopher Trahan - teacher salaries
  • Teresa Dixon - support professionals and National Education Week
  • Sandra Phipps - support salaries  
  •  Rebecca Smith - support salaries
  • Tracy Butler, on behalf of CESPA - raises for administrators versus support employees
  • Tracey Butler, on behalf of CCEA - culture and atmosphere of the school district

Superintendent's Requests


Superintendent Van Zant allowed senior staff to address some of the concerns raised in the meeting that pertain to their respective Divisions.

  • Mr. Merrill addressed bus driver salaries and the claim of "poverty"
  • Mr. Hendrick - addressed administrator promotions and Classroom First plan
  • Mr. Broskie - addressed promotions and Exit Questionnaire results (salaries only marked 7 of 190 times as reason leaving - number one reason was relocation)
  • Dr. Legutko - made positive comments about moving forward on the ERP; she continues to work towards improving the district's financial condition
  • Mrs. Kornegay - addressed misinformation about the school district's rating and class sizes 

Mr. Van Zant concluded with comments about a half cent sales tax.  He stated that we cannot move forward when we send mixed messages. Bad publicity and the union's negative comments on how district money is spent will not convince the general public that a tax hike is needed.  

School Board's Requests


Board members made general comments about a variety of topics and wished everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Attorney's Requests (NONE)
Adjournment (10:25 p.m.)

